Remember when we used to take planes across the globe and stand next to hundreds of strangers looking at famous sites? I miss that too, as you no doubt do too. One of my favorite activities is discovering new cities or countries but unfortunately that doesn’t appear likely anytime soon; my hope is to go somewhere on my travel bucket list this fall though!
I never imagined writing a post on virtual tours of places all around the globe, but upon further reflection it has become obvious: even without pandemic threats it is fun and fascinating to discover new locations we’ve never been. How fortunate we are that modern technology enables us to appreciate other traveller’s creative works of walking or aerial videos showing off all these wonderful locations on Earth!
I discovered some virtual tours on You Tube; none are narrated so as not to compete with travel shows with hosts who provide narration. Instead, these virtual tours consist of walking, cycling, boating or aerial views of places around the world set to relaxing music; all feel so special. These won’t quell your wanderlust but rather may increase it; at least that was my experience when watching them! These only scratch the surface of what’s out there and I plan to post more soon.
Clicking on any of the images will take you directly to a YouTube video where you can experience a virtual tour of that part of the world.